Applying powder coating is a great way to protect metal parts from wear and tear and prevent rust. When powder coating is applied to metal, it forms a protective barrier that is durable and will help to prevent chips and dents. In comparison to a liquid coating process or painting, powder coating is thicker, more consistent, and more durable. If you plan to apply powder coating at home, you need to get familiar with the basics of the process so that you can achieve the best results. Follow these steps to clean parts for powder coating.

  1. To get started, gather your supplies. You will need either a wrench or a screwdriver, a clean rag, degreaser, vinyl gloves, and high temperature tape. First, remove the part using the wrench or screwdriver. Also remove any nuts or bolts. Powder coating must be applied to clean, bare metal. If the part you are working with has a finish, like chrome, you must sandblast the part to remove the finish so that the powder coating can adhere to the surface.
  2. If the metal is bare, wipe it down with a clean rag. Then use degreaser to remove any grease or oil. You should avoid getting oily fingerprints on the part by wearing vinyl gloves after this step.
  3. Next, consider whether there are any areas of the part that you do not wish to powder coat. If so, you can use high temperature tape to cordon off those areas. If there are any empty holes where screws or bolts should go, plug them with a high temperature plug.
  4. Now you will need to suspend the item to be powder coated in the air so that all surfaces are exposed. A chain is a good choice for hanging the item up.
  5. Before you begin sandblasting, put on a respirator and safety glasses. Hook up your sandblaster to the air compressor, and spray the metal item carefully and evenly. When you’re finished, be sure to sweep the floor to get rid of any dust and debris in the area that might stick in the powder coating.
  6. Now you can disconnect the sandblaster and attach the corona gun to the air compressor. While wearing your safety gear, fill the gun with powder coating. Spray the metal item with the powder coating in short, even strokes, just like if you were using a can of spray paint. Check to make sure that the powder coating has been applied evenly and that you have covered all surfaces and angles. If you wish to apply a second coat, do so now.
  7. The next step is to cure the item. You should place it in an oven that is heated to 400 degrees and let it cure for 10 – 25 minutes. Let the part cool for a bit before removing it from the oven.

Powder coating is certainly intimidating project, so you should consider having a professional help you. It is important to understand that if the job isn’t done correctly, then the coating won’t do everything it is supposed to do.

Let our experts at Toefco Engineered Coating Systems handle your powder coating applications. We are the coating customizers because we specialize in engineering coatings that fit the needs of our customers exactly. We offer a broad range of different types of coatings, and we use only the best automated equipment to apply a smooth, clean coat. You’ll wonder why you ever considered doing it yourself!

To learn more about our industrial powder coating services, call us at 888-912-5921 or ask an industrial coating engineer.

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