The original nonstick finish Teflon™ coaters offer high purity and chemical resistance at high temperatures with properties unbeatable by any other material. Teflon™ industrial coaters can be used on many surfaces such as carbon steel, aluminum, alloys, and brass, or non-metallics, such as glass and plastics. Very few substances will adhere to Teflon™ coaters and, while some materials try to stick, most release easily.

Custom Teflon™ coaters can greatly expand the life of your product. In many cases, Teflon™ surfaces are self-cleaning and are both oleophobic and hydrophobic so they’re not readily wetted. Cleanup is a snap and more thorough than on surfaces without the coating. Teflon™ coaters are resistant to high temperatures, up to 600-degrees Fahrenheit with adequate ventilation, and able to withstand low extreme temperatures of -454-degrees Fahrenheit without loss of physical properties.

Teflon™ coaters offer a low coefficient of friction, generally in the range of 0.05 to 0.20, depending on the load, sliding speed and the particular type of Teflon™ coating used. These coaters are generally resistant to chemical environments and have a high dielectric strength, low dissipation factor and extremely high surface resistively over a wide range of frequencies. Industrial products made with Teflon™ coaters fluoropolymer resins have exceptional resistance to stress-cracking and corrosion.

Choosing a Teflon™ Coater Company

When choosing the company to provide your commercial Teflon™ coater needs, minimum cost and maximum flexibility is imperative. A quality provider should offer their clients custom coaters that are tailored to their needs for any size job. After reviewing your custom coating order, they should provide you with an accurate quote in a price that fits your budget.

Also be sure to look for a Teflon™ coater company that is ISO 9001 certified. If the company is certified, you should be able to view its certification in PDF format on the company’s website. The company should also offer a complete industrial coating selection guide of Teflon™ wet spray and dry powder coaters so that you can choose what is appropriate for your product’s needs.

Look for a Teflon™ coater provider that has a proven track-record of applying over 400 custom coating types with Licensed Industrial Applicator (LIA) status, as well as being a Whitford-approved ExcalNet applicator of the Excalibur Coating Process.

Toefco Engineered Coating Systems, LLC. is a minority-owned industrial custom coatings supplier who meets those requirements with a range of options from hand application to highly automated coating systems to meet your company’s Teflon coater needs with minimal cost to you.
To learn more about Teflon™ industrial coatings, call us at 888-912-5921 or ask an industrial coating engineer.

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